Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008

Celebrity Mid Finger For you

Like we know before that celebrity are always make a sensation, they love to make a sensation, start from their personality, their action when do their job, and also their habit. like this celebrity below, they give you their mid finger.. WOW?? heheh actually they point it for paparazzi, but now just put yourself in paparazzi side.. and feel how if your favorite celebrity give you their mid finger.. i'm sure that all of you have known what is means of mid finger?? yeah it means F**k you hehehehe... here is Celebrity Mid Finger For you

Hehehe.. what do you feel after you got that?? are you upset?? stay tune in worldmustbecrazy, we still have some news from celebrity.. so have you seen a celebrity caught without make up or a celebrity nose picking?? enjoy the story and laugh if you want here in worldmustbecrazy...

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