Minggu, 30 November 2008

Horrifying Skeleton Church

Sedlec Ossuary, that's the name of the small roman catholic chapel in sedlec, Kutna Hora suburban in chechlovakia, This ossuary is consist of about 40.000 - 70.000 human skull that sets to build a chapel decoration, those skull are a skull from the soldier and the civil corpse who become the victim of the holywar on 14th century, this church also shown on ripley's believe it or not programe. so do you wanna know this horrifying skeleton church?? Allright let's take a horryfing tour here..

This is the route to get the church, remember the path OK

and here is in front of the church..

OK are you ready to go inside?? Ok Right.. Let's Go..

Hii... so horrifying huh?? but i wonder are that church have a function for do a religious activity?? or just treat as a museum or just a monumental building?? can anyone give the further information about that church??

Human Flying Jet Vehicle

Are you feel bored to the common and usual transportation vehicle?? such as plane?? car?? or maybe motorcycle?? have you ever dreamed about a human flying vehicle?? yeah i could say you're not dreaming about this one... look at this Human Jet Vehicle.. you can fly fast and high with this.. forget about the old transportation method and change to the futuristic way of vehicle.. Here it is.. Let's try the Human Flying Jet Vehicle

See??? is it cool huh?? do you wanna try it??

Source of picture are from Bored Bored

Unstoppable Growing Feet

Doctors can’t tell Mandy Sellars why her legs keep expanding – all they say is that her only option is a drastic amputation. She travelled to the US for a new TV show in search of an alternative...

It’s not easy being Mandy Sellars. She has hugely outsized legs that make having a normal life nearly impossible.

People stare whenever she leaves the house, she needs a special car to get around and can’t work full time.

What’s more, her condition is getting worse and doctors say she needs an amputation so severe she won’t be able to sit up.

And she doesn’t even know what’s caused it.

But the cheerful 33-year-old from Accrington, Lancs, just won’t be told. She’s challenged medics’ verdict and has just got back from America where she went to find a new treatment.

And now she’s on a mission to find out once and for all what’s the matter with her.

“As you can imagine the size of my legs and clubfoot make walking difficult and I need crutches just to get around my ground floor flat.

“And people can be very cruel. I was in a park a few months ago when a group of teens started pointing at me, they were saying to each other, ‘Look at the size of her legs.’

“I wish they could experience how it feels to have strangers laugh at you.

“I don’t mind curiosity – it’s the laughing and nudging that gets to me. ”

It’s no wonder some people stare. Mandy’s legs are wider than the average man’s waist and heavier than most women.

Her left leg is five inches longer than her right and has a clubfoot, which has turned 180 degrees backwards. She says: “I weigh about 20 stone – 15 of which are my legs.”

She has never had a firm diagnosis, but it could be linked to Proteus syndrome, which causes abnormal skin and limb growth. John Merrick, the Elephant Man, is believed to have had it.

“I use an electric wheelchair when I go out,” says Mandy.

“I live alone and what takes the average person half an hour takes me an hour, if not longer. Just getting dressed in the morning is a mammoth task.

“By the time I go into the kitchen to get breakfast, I can be exhausted. I can’t just pop to the shops, it all has to be planned.”

Mandy has a specially adapted hand-controlled car so she can still get out to meet friends and go round for a coffee and a chat.

“I try to lead a normal life but I do get frustrated,” she says. “The worst thing about my condition is that my mobility is getting worse and I have no control over it.”

When Mandy was born doctors gave her a week to live.

Her left leg was three inches longer than her right, and both were out of proportion. No one knew what her condition was or how to treat it.

Despite the odds, Mandy proved everyone wrong and at 18 months she began walking.

“I could never run as fast as my friends but I was still outside playing. I also learned to ride a bike but I kept the stabilisers on until I was 16.

“It’s embarrassing now when I think about it, but I didn’t care then,” she says laughing. “My legs started to grow when I was really small. I saw a lot of doctors, then when I was seven, one specialist told my mum I should have my legs amputated.”

Mandy’s mother June, 57, was horrified by the doctor’s suggestion and argued if her daughter could still run and play with friends there was no need to have her legs cut off.

“Mum was brave to stand up to the consultant. My parent’s have always been supportive and told me that I can do whatever I want to do.

“They realise that they won’t always be here and have encouraged me to be independent, so at 19 I left to live on my own.

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“I was a normal teenager – I went out drinking, clubbing and ended the night with a kebab.”

After college Mandy went to the University of Central Lancashire where she gained a BSc in psychology.

“I’ve got a quick mind but a full-time job would exhaust me,” she explains. “But I like to make the most of life.”

She talks to friends over the internet every day and is in the middle of writing a book about her life.

She even finds the energy to head to the local RSCPA rescue centre once a week to clear out the rabbit hutches.

But her health keeps getting worse.

She has suffered arthritis, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and had a blood clot in her leg. She was paralysed from the waist down for two months.

“I had to learn to walk again which took three months,” she says.

“Three years later I bumped my leg and got a blood infection, then my kidneys then failed and I got MRSA.

“In all this time and during all of my visits to hospitals, I’ve never been given a definite diagnosis, except to be told it could be a form of this Proteus syndrome.

“No doctor has been investigated to any degree. I was beginning to believe I was the only woman in the world with it.”

The situation isn’t going to get better.

She says: “As my legs get heavier they’ll put a strain on my heart and internal organs.

“I know that amputation and prosthetic legs are my only option to save my life but I’m unhappy with what the UK experts told me.

“They said the only way to do the op would be to amputate my left leg from the hip and the right leg above the knee.

“But I wouldn’t be able to sit up and would be even more disabled than now.”

So when a TV production company contacted Mandy and said it wanted to make a documentary about her life, and take her to meet US specialists, she didn’t hesitate to say yes.

In the US she met renowned orthopaedic surgeon Dr William Ertl and prosthetic whizz Kevin Carroll.

The pair has worked together on many challenging cases and Carroll famously made a prosthetic tail for a dolphin.

“What they told me gave me hope,” Mandy says.

“They said I could have a far less severe amputation. Now I feel much better informed to make a decision about amputation.

The information I got in the US has been life-changing.”

Mandy also now has a UK doctor who is willing to search for the elusive diagnosis.

Geneticist Dr Susan Huson, from St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, is determined to identify Mandy’s condition.

While amputation is inevitable and Mandy still faces the biggest dilemma of her life, she’s pleased that some day there may well be a condition in the medical books named after her.

“It could be called Sellars syndrome,” she smiles.

“Then I’d go down in history.”

Extraordinary People – The Woman With Giant Legs, next Thursday (August 21), at 9pm on Five.

Originally From Mirror.co.uk

World's Tallest Man in History

Every day there's many unbelieveable things occur in the world, maybe i can say day by day the world's must be crazy, and now we'll talk about another record in this crazy world, that was the world's tallest man in the history ever.. they're about 10 people listed here, and have a fantastic height.. and some of them are still alive until this time.. OK let's see the list of the World's tallest man in the history ever..

We start with

1.Robert Wadlow, 8' 11.1''

He's one of the world's biggest and tellest man ever, he called as Big Alton because he's from alto illinois, when he's death his weight are abouy 440 pounds and doesn't seem to stop increasing, he's born on 1918, the oldest of 5 brother, he's die in age of 22 because of the infection that caused by ankle scratched. His coffin are about a half tons!! and 12 pallbearers needed. he's buried on a solid concrete vault, his family have a fear of if his body will be intervented by the news media..

2.Johan Aason, 8' 9-1/4''

Born in america several years after her mother imigrated from norwegia, and the interesting part was his mother is as big as him with 7'2 " height!!. According to the death certificate from Mendocino Hospital, his height are 9'2 " when his death.. if this thing are right.. so he's the tallest human in the world history.. he's laid to rest in montana

3.John Rogan,8'9''

Born in 1868 and he grows normaly until 13 years old, and his height when he die was 8'9 " with 175 weight.. he die because of a complicated illness

4.John F Carroll,8'7''

Born in 1932 on Buffalo new york, and he's famous as the big buffalo. even he got many medical treatment, he grows in a fast level. he's increase 7 inch in several month. Die in 1969, people believe he got about 9 feet tall when he's die

5.Leonid Stadnyk,8'5''

Born in 1971 on ukraine, he was an animal surgeon expert and he live with her mother, at this time he's listed as the world's tallest man based on Guinness Book of Records.

6.Al Tomaini,8'4.5''

He was a giant that claimed has about 8'4 " height (even the Guinness Book of Records stated that he's only 7'4"). his weight are 356 pound (162 kg) and his shoe size was 27. he's d working as a circus giant on Great Lakes Exposition at Chicago, in 1936. He met a woman that will be his future wife, the woman's name are Jeanie Tomaini, she's born handicaped without a feet and her tall are only 2 feet 6 inchs (76 cm). he live on Florida.

7.Ella Ewing,8'4''

Born on 1872 at Missouru. she's well known as the "Missouri Giant" She grows normally until the age of 7, because the lack of the literature so she doesn't listed on Guinness Book of Records.. Die in 1913 because of Tubercolose

8.Edouard Beaupré,8'3''

Born in canada on 1881, he's a strong man and a star from barnum and baileys. he's the oldest from 20 brother's. at the age of 9 his height was 6 feet. his death certificate shows that he have 8'3 " height and still growing, as a strong man he was reported that he lift a 900 pound horse.. die on 1904 because of Tubercolose.

9.Väinö Myllyrinne,8'3''

Myllyrinne born in finlandia on 1909, on the one side he's officially declared as the tallest human in the world, at the age of 21 his height are 7 feet and 3,5 inch. He grows abnormally and die on 1963, when he's die it reported that his height are 8 feet and 3 inch.

10.Bernard Coyne,8'2"

Born on 1897 in iowa USA. on 1918 he's got 8 feet tall, he reach 8 feet and 4 inch when he die on 1921 because of the heart illness and the glandular problems, he laid to rest on this hometown.. and an Extra Large coffin are specially made for him

That's the list of the world's most tallest man in the history.. but now in our world we have a man from china who was the world's tallest man.. and this is his picture

Thanks for reading this fact on the crazy world... I hope this post are useful for you to add your knowledge..

Jumat, 28 November 2008

Duck's Blood Jelly

Here is another disgusting food, after several day's ago i post about a blended cockroach juice which are really disgusting food.. and now i have a Duck's Blood Jelly.. maybe it's not as disgusting as the first but still you can lose your eating appetite after see this Jelly.. a red blooded jelly.. uurgh.. i can't stand it.. and i feel like my stomach are spinning.. anyone here are a jelly lover?? do you want to taste a new taste of jelly?? a duck's blood jelly.. which made from a duck's blood..

Urgh.. do you have a brave to taste that kind of food..

World's Smallest Countries

Maybe only a few people now that in our world there 17 small countries, these 17 countries are the smallest countries which exist in the world, their area is not more than 200 square miles or about 300 km2 among these countries the smallest are Vatican with only 0.2 square miles, and the largest are Palau Island with 191 square miles. do you wanna know those 17 smallest countries that exist in our world??

1.Vatican City - 0,2 square miles
these countries are the world's smallest state, the Vatican has a population of 770, none of whom are permanent residents. The tiny country which surrounds St. Peter's Basilica is the spiritual center for the world's Roman Catholics (over 1 billion strong). Also known as the Holy See, Vatican City is surrounded by Rome, Italy.

2.Monaco - 0.7 square miles - The tiny state of Monaco lies along the French Riviera on the French Mediterranean coast near Nice. An impressive 32,000 people live in this state known for its Monte Carlo casinos and Princess Grace. It has been independent off-and-on since the 13th century.

3.Nauru - 8.5 square miles - The 13,000 residents of the Pacific island Nauru rely on diminishing phosphate deposits. The state became independent in 1968 and was formerly known as Pleasant Island.

4.Tuvalu - 9 square miles - Tuvalu is composed of 9 coral atolls along a 360 mile chain in Polynesia. They gained independence in 1978. The former Ellice Islands are home to 12,000.

5.San Marino - 24 square miles - Located on Mt. Titano in north central Italy, San Marino has 29,000 residents. The country claims to be the oldest state in Europe, having been founded in the fourth century.

6.Liechtenstein - 62 square miles - This microstate of 34,000 is located on the Rhine River between Switzerland and Austria in the Alps.

7.Marshall Islands - 70 square miles - The atolls (including the world's largest, Kwajalein), reefs, and 34 islands (population 58,000) gained independence in 1986; they were formerly part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands (and administered by the United States).

8.Saint Kitts and Nevis - 104 square miles - This Caribbean country of 39,000 gained independence in 1983. Nevis is the smaller island of the two and is guaranteed the right to secede.

9.Seychelles - 107 square miles - The 81,000 residents of this Indian Ocean island group have been independent of the United Kingdom since 1976.

10.Maldives - 115 square miles - Only 200 of the 2000 Indian Ocean islands which make up this country are occupied by 340,000 residents. The islands gained independence from the U.K. in 1965.

11.Malta - 122 square miles - This island is just south of the Italian island of Sicily. It became independent from the United Kingdom in 1964 and the British military were completely gone by 1979. The population is 400,000.

12.Grenada - 133 square miles - This Caribbean country (population 90,000) became independent of the U.K. in 1974. It's located quite close to Venezuela.

13.Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 150 square miles - 117,000 people live on these Windward Caribbean islands which gained independence from Britain in 1979.

14.Barbados - 166 square miles - About 280,000 people live on this Caribbean island, the farthest east of the Lesser Antilles. Barbados obtained independence from the U.K. in 1966.

15.Antigua and Barbuda - 171 square miles - This Caribbean nation of 69,000 has been independent from the United Kingdom since 1981. The three islands which compose this country rely on tourism (as do many of the Caribbean countries and territories).

16.Andorra - 180 square miles - The independent Principality of Andorra is co-governed by the President of France and the Spain's Bishop of Urgel. With just over 70,000 people, this mountainous tourist destination tucked in the Pyrenees between France and Spain has been independent since 1278.

17.Palau - 191 square miles - Palau (also known as Belau) was a Trust Territory of Pacific Islands. It was formerly known as the Carolines and is composed of more than 200 islands in the Pacific; the population is about 20,000. It became independent in 1994.

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Rabu, 26 November 2008

Mechasutra - Robotic Sex Style

God says "be fruitful and multiply"... and fill the Earth. yeah that's true, we as a human being do sex to multiply.. and reach the enjoyment from that.. but actually there's not only us who do that.. but a robot do that too.. yeah but not for multiply purpose.. hehehe they're made of a metal and machine.. so how they gave birth?? hahaha do you wanna know how if a robot do sex?? what kind of style did they use?? and how the speech when the female robot reach an orgasm??

Also check out their orgasmic speech...
01000100 01100001 01110100 01100001 00100000 01000101 01111000 01100011 01101000 01100001 01101110 01100111 01100101

You know that's a binary language which are used on a basic program.. like when we want to write "a" sign.. we used maybe like 01000100. Sorry if i do a mistake.. i'm little forget about that.. but maybe there's like that

After you see the robotic sex enjoyment, you could also see the sex after life which was do by a skull.. heheh it was also as funny as this..